Writers are weird. Beware what you say while eating lunch. You could find it in a novel.

I met Lynn Slaughter at Killer Nashville. I'd never been to Nashville and didn't know a soul, nor had I been to a Killer Nashville conference, which turned out to be awesome as well as profitable. Lynn and I did have something in common when we talked about Sisters in Crime. I'm jealous at her group's name: The Derby Rotten Scoundrels. They're in Kentucky. My very active chapter was just Delaware Valley SinC. We were both teachers. English for me. Dance for Lynn. She was a ballerina. Lynn and I had some very personal chats, and I described a friend's husband who was a cheater and the way the cheater was foiled. We also discussed why women date married men and came to some interesting conclusions. Why do women do that? Seems dangerous to me, but maybe I'm a big chicken. More likely, I don't like unforeseen consequences. Now I see that Lynn has a new book, Missed Cue, in which the main character is a cheater. Can't wait to read it to see if I recognize anybody.